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Physical and Mental benefits of practicing legs-up-the wall pose
Physical and Mental benefits of practicing legs-up-the wall pose
Nov 17, 2023
Legs Up the Wall is a restorative pose that offers a wealth of benefits for...
How Sauna use effects the digestive system
How Sauna use effects the digestive system
Nov 01, 2023
Do Saunas Help With Bloating & Digestion?⁣ Saunas have been shown to increase the diversity...
How can Traditional Sauna improve immune function?
How can Traditional Sauna improve immune function?
Oct 31, 2023
Regular sauna bathing can help to prime your immune system to fight off infection.⁣When you...
3 Breathing Techniques To Try During Your Ice Bath
3 Breathing Techniques To Try During Your Ice Bath
Oct 11, 2023
3 easy-to-remember breathing techniques to help you forget you're in an ice bath...   1....
Infrared Sauna and Sleep Quality Benefits
Infrared Sauna and Sleep Quality Benefits
Sep 22, 2023
Sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being.When we don't get enough sleep, we...
What temperature should my Infrared Sauna be?
What temperature should my Infrared Sauna be?
Sep 22, 2023
Sauna’s have a stigma attached that the hotter the better & if you are not...
Cold Exposure and Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Cold Exposure and Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Sep 08, 2023
Research suggests that cold water immersion can effectively stimulate the vagus nerve.​​​​​​​​​ With regular stimulation of...
Infrared Sauna & Women's Menstrual Cycle
Infrared Sauna & Women's Menstrual Cycle
Aug 23, 2023
Infrared saunas can help improve hormone balance and relieve menstrual cramps.​​​​​​​​​ They do this by...
What are the benefits of Contrast Therapy?
What are the benefits of Contrast Therapy?
Jul 24, 2023
Contrast bath therapy involves alternating hot and cold temperatures in a cyclical pattern, which stimulates...
What does activating the mammalian dive reflex do?
What does activating the mammalian dive reflex do?
Jun 19, 2023
When your face touches or is submerged in cold water, receptors in the nose and...
Reduce stress hormones by sweating!
Reduce stress hormones by sweating!
May 22, 2023
The most effective way to reduce stress hormones without altering your mental state is to...
Contrast Therapy & Whats being produced inside your brain!
Contrast Therapy & Whats being produced inside your brain!
May 22, 2023
The principle of contrast therapy is based on the concepts of vasodilation in heat (Sauna)...
Why should you implement Hot/Cold Therapy in your life?
Why should you implement Hot/Cold Therapy in your life?
Feb 13, 2023
Hot/cold therapy can be beneficial for people of all activity levels. It is a low impact therapy that can reduce inflammation, reduce pain, improve circulation and speed up the healing process.

It can also help to reduce muscle tension and improve flexibility. Hot/cold therapy can be used to help with a variety of conditions, including muscle soreness, joint pain, and headaches.
Stay On Top Of Your Health - This Holiday Season
Stay On Top Of Your Health - This Holiday Season
Dec 05, 2022
End of year celebrations and social gatherings are in full swing and we know it...
Seasonal Allergies & Sauna Use
Seasonal Allergies & Sauna Use
Sep 21, 2022
Reactions to seasonal allergies are triggered by the immune system, producing an overabundance of antibodies...
Why Ice Baths in winter are healthy for you!
Why Ice Baths in winter are healthy for you!
Aug 25, 2022
It may be the last thing on your mind during the cold months, though you'll...
3 ways to assist & improve Blood Circulation!
3 ways to assist & improve Blood Circulation!
Aug 25, 2022
When blood flow is optimal, it allows each of our cells to get the nutrients...
Hydrate to assist your detox
Hydrate to assist your detox
Aug 25, 2022
Hydrate to assist your detox!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Detoxification is essential for the body to eliminate harmful byproducts of...
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